Dreams are bad when all they do is leave the truth behind.


Gick in på fb och vad ser jag då?Kan inte fatta,deras nya skiva skulle ju komma i höst och allt.

Back in 2009 we went into the studio to start work on a record. Initially things were going well and as a result we did some shows in 2010 to maintain creative momentum. However, over the months that followed in the studio it became clear to us that we were moving in different directions. Despite our best efforts over the last year or so, it's become increasingly clear that the spark simply isn't there between the three of us at the moment.

As a result we’ve decided to put the band into ‘a deep sleep’ while we all do other things that we find more inspiring right now. This means that Silverchair won’t be making music together or playing shows any time soon. It also means that the three of us won’t be working together unless and until it feels right again.

Sweet Dreams.
Daniel, Ben and Chris"


ord är överflödiga.
tack finste Silverchair för musiken,minnena - allt ♥
